Іnvariant control systems in modern communication technology

DOI: 10.31673/2412-9070.2022.060308

  • Дмітрієв В. Є. (Dmitriyev V. Ye.) State University of Telecommunications, Kyiv
  • Захаржевський А. Г. (Zakharzhevsky A. H.) State University of Telecommunications, Kyiv
  • Чумак Н. С. (Сhumak N. S.) State University of Telecommunications, Kyiv


The article presents the results of research and ways to solve one of the main tasks in communication technology — combating interference, weakening the influence of interference. The theory of electrical communication is the scientific and technical basis of the problem. A comparative analysis of the peculiarities of the problem of the invariant system in the theory of automatic control and in communication technology was carried out. The elements of the theory of invariant communication systems were studied. Invariant control systems (CS) of different classes are analyzed and their capabilities are outlined. The conditions for ensuring the invariance of the CS, the optimal absolute invariant CS and the quantitative characteristic of noise immunity are determined, and the corresponding mathematical dependencies are given. The application of the researched methods to achieve absolute or relative invariance is proposed.

Keywords: invariance; additive disturbance; signal; invariant control system; characteristic of immunity; Shannon’s theorem; calculation.

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