Model structure of threats to resources of information and telecommunication networks as a basic asset of a critically important infrastructure facility

DOI: 10.31673/2412-9070.2023.011320

  • Шавловський Я. С. (Shavlovskyi Ya. S.) State University of Telecommunications, Kyiv


The paper classifies the models of cyberattacks aimed at computer networks and complexes and which represent the greatest threat. A classification based on the main trends in the practical implementation of cyberattacks is proposed. This approach is new for the classification of cyberattacks on computer networks and complexes that serve critical infrastructure objects and takes into account ten components of the threat cycle: from a comprehensive study of the object of influence to the implementation of a cyberattack.

Keywords: critical infrastructure object; information and communication system; classification; classifier; information and telecommunication network; computer network; information protection; cyberspace; computer cyberattack; network device.

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