Positioning of objects using wireless networks

DOI: 10.31673/2412-9070.2023.012731

  • Мітін Є. Ю. (Mitin Ye. Yu.) State University of Telecommunications, Kyiv
  • Миронов Д. В. (Myronov D. V.) State University of Telecommunications, Kyiv


Today, there are a large number of technical solutions to the problem of determining the location of objects in space, which are united by a single term -— positioning systems. All positioning systems can be divided into global positioning systems and local positioning systems that operate in a limited area.
The article analyses the techniques and information technologies for positioning a user’s computer device indoors. The popular technology for determining the user’s location, which is the Global Positioning System (GPS), does not work well enough in enclosed spaces and buildings. The most popular alternative information technologies for positioning in confined spaces today are Wi-Fi, iGPS and other technologies based on the processing of relevant visual images. The article analyses these technologies, their functioning features, as well as advantages and disadvantages in the context of their use in various types of enclosed spaces. The analysis has shown that for the task of positioning devices in the premises, the positioning technology based on Wi-Fi networks has the highest accuracy and lower costs for system deployment and operation. Positioning in Wi-Fi networks is carried out using several methods for determining the location of devices in space, based on technologies for calculating the distance from access points to the user. All currently relevant technologies have been considered in this paper. All the methods used in positioning were described and analysed according to the criteria in order to select the best one for implementation
in a Wi-Fi network positioning system. Based on the results of the analysis, the trilateration method was selected because it has high accuracy and relatively low system deployment costs.

Keywords: Wi-Fi; positioning; access point; trilateration; location; accuracy.

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