3D visualization of the state of the new secure confinement of CHNPP using microservice architecture

DOI: 10.31673/2412-9070.2023.036070

  • Лобода П. П. (Loboda P. P.) National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Kyiv


The purpose of this paper is to develop a software architecture for 3D visualization of information about the state of the New Safe Confinement (NSC) of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant using microservices technology. The NSC was built to protect the population and the environment from the consequences of the accident at the ChNPP and to ensure the implementation of works aimed at transforming the "Shelter" facility into an environmentally safe system. The NSC is a large and complex system, the activity of which is ensured by a large number of different subsystems under the control of the Integrated Management System (IMS). However, existing information systems do not provide a sufficient level of capabilities for information visualization, forecasting and decision-making support, which determines the urgency of developing new information technologies. Given the long period of operation of the NSC, for a comprehensive solution to this problem, it is advisable to develop its digital twin, one of the functions of which is 3D visualization of information about the state of the NSC. The non-functional and functional requirements for the 3D visualization software were formed, on the basis of which its microservice architecture was developed as part of the architecture of the digital twin of the NSC. A database model of the visualization service was developed and a management system was chosen for it. Considering the large volumes of data on NSC, it is recommended to use Column-based systems to manage such databases, however, to create a prototype of the software product, you can use a relational model under PostgreSQL management. For modeling building structures, the 3D model was developed in the ArchiCAD system with the ability to display data at certain points in the three-dimensional coordinate system. The application of microservices technology ensures the flexibility of the developed architecture, the possibility of its scaling and further development throughout the long period of operation of the NSC as a component of its digital counterpart.

Keywords: digital twin; new safe confinement of ChNPP; software architecture; 3D visualization; information system; information technology.

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