Methodology for the synthesis of the system of phase synchronization of coherent demodulators with a variable structure of open communication

DOI: 10.31673/2412-9070.2023.045060

  • Невгод М. Ю. (Nevgod M. Yu.) State University of Information and Communication Technologies, Kyiv
  • Дробик В. О. (Drobyk V. O.) National Aviation University, Kyiv


One of the factors of internal disturbances and obstacles in the operation of the synchronization system, which directly affect the accuracy of the estimation of the carrier frequency and the dynamics of the entire system, are transient processes caused by the system’s reaction to the transition from one stationary state to another stationary state. At the current stage of research devoted to the issue of minimizing the influence of the transient process on the operation of the phase synchronization system, increasing the speed and reducing the transient component of the phase error, which is generated by the transient processes, was solved by synthesizing the open connection of the synchronization system under the condition of minimizing the phase error in steady and transient modes of operation. In the work, a mathematical model and a technique based on it were developed, which allow the synthesis of open communication with a variable structure in the combined synchronization system of satellite telecommunications, which ensure the minimization of the influence of transient processes on the efficiency of the synchronization system. The open communication scheme with a variable structure proposed in the work allows to minimize the impact of the transient process on the efficiency of the synchronization system by reducing the time of the transient process by taking into account the level of harmful disturbances of the transient process. The evaluation of the possibility of an open connection with a variable structure in terms of the effect on the time of the transition process carried out in the work showed that by logically switching to the branch of the open connection with the corresponding values of the time operator, it is possible to achieve up to a 6.7 times reduction in the time of the transition process.

Keywords: root-mean-square phase error; closed-loop synchronization system; combined synchronization system; open-loop synthesis; transient phase error component.

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