Obtaining gallium nitride cluster for information transmission in optoelectronic communication lines

DOI: 10.31673/2412-9070.2023.048090

  • Сімченко С. В. (Simchenko S. V.) State University of Information and Communication Technologies, Kyiv
  • Глущенко Ю. А. (Glushchenko J. A.) State University of Information and Communication Technologies, Kyiv


The paper proposes a method for obtaining light-emitting clusters of gallium nitride (GaN) on porous gallium arsenide (GaAs) substrates by treating the substrate with nitrogen atoms from a nitrogen RF plasma. The morphological and luminescent properties of the obtained structures were studied. Reasons for the possibility of using light-emitting GaN clusters for the manufacture of LEDs and their use in optoelectronic communication lines are provided. It was established that the photoluminescent properties of GaN clusters depend on the porosity of the GaAs substrate and the geometric dimensions of the formed clusters.

Keywords: gallium nitride; porous GaAs; photoluminescence spectra; optoelectronic communication lines.

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