Method for evaluating the effectiveness of intellectualization of distance learning system administration

DOI: 10.31673/2412-9070.2023.064953

  • Махно Є. П. (Makhno Ye. P.) National defence university of Ukraine, Kyiv
  • Срібна І. М. (Sribna I. M.) State University of Information and Communication Technologies, Kyiv


The problem of developing an adequate method for evaluating the effectiveness of an intellectualized distance learning system as a partial problem of the general problem of increasing the efficiency of this system is substantiated. It is proved that in order to ensure a high level of distance learning system in modern conditions, progressive organizational, hardware and software solutions are actively used. An analysis of foreign and domestic experience in the development and implementation of artificial intelligence in distance learning systems is provided, and it is concluded that it is possible to increase their efficiency through the development of mathematical and software as the basis for models and methods of automation of administration processes. It is substantiated that the most promising in this direction is the use of artificial intelligence models. The research materials on the development of a method for evaluating the effectiveness of a distance learning system that uses models and methods for intellectualizing administration tasks are presented. The method is based on a probabilistic approach, a three-level decomposition of the distance learning process and, unlike the existing ones, takes into account the influence of new models and methods of intellectualization of the administration of a distance learning system when using a real system in practice. The application of the method with the use of statistical data confirms the reliability of models and methods and shows an increase in the efficiency of distance learning through the intellectualization of the administration of the distance learning system.

Keywords: method; distance learning; decomposition; administration.
